Growing Stronger Together
Growing Stronger Together
“Jane joined us when she was six years old in July 2015. She is 11 years old this year. Her family lives in a two-room flat. Her father is incarcerated, and her mother is the main caregiver to Jane and her brother (13 years old).
Jane and her older brother often get into physical fights. Sometimes, I would see scars and bruises from their fights.
Because of this, she lived at Ahuva Good Shepherd Home for a period of time on weekdays as her mother works long hours during the day at a food store and is unable to look after her and prevent the physical fights when she is not around.
Her brother is also in our programme and his caseworker (also from Life Community) is working with him on this issue. After a period of intervention, mentoring, and counselling, her brother has stopped all form of physical violence towards her. They are working on managing his emotions and also healing deeper emotional wounds. He has shown much improvement as well which we are very encouraged to see.
Jane has also since moved back to live with her family, both weekdays and weekends.
Their mother’s working hours became shorter during the circuit breaker period and needed more assistance for essential items. To help them out financially and physically, we increased the quantity of our monthly food rations during these few months.
I am visiting Jane more often to ensure she is doing well. I am also looking into financial assistance applications for her. Jane has a full future ahead of her and we will do all we can, such as providing a stable consistent adult figure in her life for care and guidance, ensuring her physical safety, building her character and life skills through workshops and activities, all to ensure she grows holistically.”
-Jane’s caseworker, FOCY Programme
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