
Importance of Mentoring

Our Thoughts

Many children from low-income and/or vulnerable backgrounds may not have the privilege of stable and caring adult relationships.

Often, this is not by choice but a result of certain circumstances such as parental incarceration; parental absence due to working multiple jobs; parenting skills; and/or volatile family situations (e.g. domestic violence). 

At a tender age and without guidance, they are left on their own devices and slowly over time, by default, they start to operate on a *fight-or-flight mode. 

This can eventually translate into response styles such as acting out when they are unable to regulate emotions (e.g. anger); finding it hard to focus and self-motivate especially in school; and turning to unhealthy alternatives such as joining gangs and partaking in other vices to cope.

A core part of what we do to bridge this gap is to assign trained adult mentors to children and youths under our care, who will visit them regularly.

The end goal is to provide a consistent adult figure who will provide guidance to our young clients, allow them to build good life imprints early on, grow personally and academically, and in the long run, improve and be connected to more social-economic opportunities. 

So how does mentoring benefit children and youths who are at risk of falling off track and help them become stronger?

Personal / Social / Emotional Development:

  • Healthier lifestyle choices
  • Decrease in delinquency, crimes, drug and alcohol abuse
  • Ability to build and maintain social relationships that flourish
  • Develop healthy coping skills and solutions in challenging times 
  • Improved self-confidence when they are guided to see themselves accurately (E.g. strengths and accomplishments)
  • Learn about financial options


  • Improved ability to set goals, self-motivate, and focus
  • Learn about educational options
  • Increase the likelihood of graduation 
  • Increase the likelihood of holding leadership positions 

All these are the results of establishing caring relationships and having a good role model whom they can trust and turn to, and who can guide them to stay on course.

Sustainable and stable improvements in the child/youth are often seen only after years of consistent mentoring, but the time and guidance given can eventuate in incredible results and impact later on in their lives.

The benefits are endless and especially effective when applied early on.

Drop us a message or attend a “Get-to-know-you” session to find out more and meet like-minded people who have been on this journey and have seen lives changed. We also provide training and support so you can be empowered to empower others. 😊 


*Much stress on a long-term basis often causes children to operate on a fight-or-flight mode.

Stressors can include :

  • Lack of pocket money for food
  • Fear that their classmates will find out and make fun of their backgrounds, or pick fights with them
  • Not passing exams because they do not know how to do their homework
  • Suppressing the overwhelming feeling of anger, shame, and abandonment
  • Hindered cognitive and emotional development from accumulated stressors 
  • Having to fend for themselves constantly 


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