Beautiful Things Take Time

Life Student Care

Nicole Wong

I heard her say quietly to herself, “Beautiful things take time”, whilst patiently colouring a flower she drew.

I’ve been a mentor since April 2016 and it has been, and still is, a learning journey.

It is heartening to see my mentee grow and develop patience, grit, and determination. When I first met her, she would often lose her temper and give up when she could not achieve the quality of work she wanted, she’s quite a perfectionist with very high standards!

Hence, it was a nice surprise when, a year on, I heard her say quietly to herself, “Beautiful things take time”, whilst patiently colouring in a beautiful flower that she drew, each petal a different, carefully chosen colour.

I’ve also volunteered at a Sports Event and found that positive values such as determination, sportsmanship, encouragement of their peers, are inculcated in a fun and engaging way. 

I truly believe that engaging children-at-risk, at this young age, and giving them the extra leg-up to keep up with their peers, gives an immeasurable boost to their confidence and helps develop values and attitudes which will benefit them later in life

-Nicole Wong, EduGrow Mentor