Corporate Governance

Good governance refers to good framework and processes that guide the overall direction, effectiveness, supervision, and accountability of a charity. The Board and Management of Life Community Services Society (LCSS) are committed to maintaining a high standard of corporate governance practices in accordance with the Code of Governance for Charities and Institutions of a Public Character (IPC).

LCSS was awarded the Charity Transparency Award by the Commissioner of Charity in November 2022 and 2023.  This is a recognition of our governance in managing the charity to advance the purpose of touching lives and making an impact in our community.  In the same month, we were also recognised by the Commissioner of Prisons, in supporting the children and families of offenders and ex-offenders on their rehabilitation journey.

Further, LCSS has complied with all the applicable guidelines of the Code of Governance Evaluation Checklist for Charities and Institutions of a Public Character (“IPC”). The complete checklist can be found in this annual report and is also available at

Our Constitution is available at the Registry of Societies.

Board Role and Responsibilities

LCSS Board owns the responsibility of the proper governing of LCSS and is dedicated in ensuring effective performance and operation of LCSS and its programmes in compliance with all applicable laws, rules, regulations, and ethical integrity. The Board maintains accountability to all stakeholders of LCSS. The roles and responsibilities, as well as the expectations of a LCSS Board member is spelt out in the LCSS Board Policy Manual.

The Board sets and conducts periodic reviews on the vision and mission statements to ensure its intended goals and objectives remain relevant.

In the spirit of strong governance, the Board has put in place 6 sub-committees in the respective areas as follows:

  • Audit committee
  • Finance & Investment committee
  • Fundraising committee
  • Human Resource committee
  • Nomination committee
  • Programmes & Services committee

The Chairman oversees the work of all 6 sub-committees.

Board members, as individuals, promote the work, services and mission of LCSS to the community in alignment with LCSS’s vision. The specific roles and responsibilities of the Office Bearers of LCSS Board, including the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer are listed in the Constitution of LCSS. None of the members are remunerated and they render their services on a voluntary basis. None of the Board members hold staff appointments.

The Board has met four times in FY23/24.

Board Selection, Recruitment & Succession

A good board consists of individuals who can contribute the needed resources the organisation needs such as the required expertise, skills, experience and time. Henceforth, the Board proactively plans and conducts reviews for the development, succession, renewal, and diversity in the composition of the Board. LCSS Board has an appropriate mix of core competencies and collective expertise among its members.  This is so that the Board is ensured to possess the necessary knowledge and objective judgment to meet its responsibilities.

Board Selection and Recruitment
In selecting a suitable candidate to serve as Board member, nomination for the prospective individual is put forth by Board members to the Nomination Committee for consideration to join the board or sub-committee(s).  The Nomination Committee assesses the potential candidate with reference to a criteria selection list.  Skillsets and experience useful and related to LCSS’s services and operation and how the individual can contribute to the diversity of the Board are carefully considered.  The Nomination Committee then recommends to the Board in approving the selected candidate for nomination and appointment.

Board re-nomination and re-appointment
The board conducts re-nomination and re-appointment of Board members every two years. Assessment of whether the board member can continue to contribute effectively, demonstrate commitment to the role and stay relevant to LCSS’s vision and mission are key considerations for re-nomination and re-appointment.

LCSS abides by the terms and conditions listed in our Constitution and in adherence to the Charity Code of Governance. All members of the Board shall hold office for a term of two years upon election and shall be eligible for re-election with the exception of the Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer, whose maximum term limit is four consecutive years.

Board Succession
In planning for succession, the Chairman and the CEO in particular take into account the challenges and opportunities faced by LCSS and consider skills and expertise which are therefore needed on the future-Board.  The Nominating Committee conducts periodical reviews of the succession plan.

Disclosure of Board Members’ Tenure
We are actively transitioning and committed to board renewal. In September 2023, Mr Seow Kiat Wang, our previous Treasurer and a board member exceeding the term limit, retired from the board. Similarly, Dr Gilbert Tan, another of our long-serving member, has announced his retirement from the Board effective from August 2024 after our upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM) in August.

Our Chairman, Mr Nicholas Goh, has been serving on LCSS board since October 2011. He was last re-appointed for a 2-year term in September 2023. Our Vice Chairman, Mr Shaun Tan, surpassed his 10 year-term in November 2023. Approval for extending his term for another 2 years will be sought at the upcoming AGM.

Both the Chairman and Vice Chairman possess deep knowledge of LCSS’s heritage, culture, vision, and mission. Their expertise is invaluable for maintaining continuity and ensuring alignment with LCSS’s core values and objectives as the organization continues to evolve. Additionally, their mentorship and guidance to the younger members are essential for cultivating leadership capabilities. LCSS has a succession plan underway in which both the Chairman and Vice Chairman play an important role to identify, groom, and prepare new leadership, as well as facilitate the leadership transition.

Board Training & Development, Evaluation of Board Effectiveness

Together with the CEO, the Board orientates new Board member to their responsibilities so that new Board members are familiar with the work and Board functions of LCSS at the start of their term of service. The orientation programme is initiated by the CEO, including an overview of LCSS programmes and a tour of the facilities across LCSS.

The board conducted a self-evaluation using a custom Board Effectiveness Questionnaire in 2020, addressing areas for improvement during a board retreat that same year. In January 2023, an external consultant led another board retreat to revisit LCSS’s vision and mission, guiding the board in aligning with strategic goals for growth. The Nomination Committee evaluates the Board’s effectiveness to identify areas for improvement.

Code of Conduct & Ethics

LCSS has a documented Code of Conduct & Ethics policy for all Board members, which is aligned with LCSS values in achieving its vision and mission.

LCSS also maintains handbooks for staff and volunteers. A copy of the volunteer handbook is accessible from the Volunteer Management section below.

In addition, LCSS has a Gift Policy that provides guidelines on the acceptance of gifts to prevent any conflicts of interest and ensure that all actions are in the best interests of the Charity, beneficiaries, and members.

Conflict of Interest Policy

The Board and key management staff:

  • Serve LCSS wholly and not any particular interest group or constituency.
  • Avoid potential conflict of interest and disclose potential conflict of interests (if any) to the Executive Board Committee.
  • Abstain from discussion and voting on matters where there can be potential conflict of interest and let the remaining of the Executive Committee make the final decision.
  • Do not accept (or offer) personal favors or gifts from/to any interest group, constituency, or LCSS staff, in performing their Board Member duties.

 All Board Members are independent and do not receive any remuneration for their services to LCSS.

No staff of LCSS sits on the Board to avoid conflict of interests and doubts on the independence of all Board decisions.

In addition, all Board members and key executive management staff are required to declare on an annual basis that they do not have any personal or private business, or associates that might be in a conflicting position to their functions or employment with LCSS.

Financial Management & Internal Controls

Procedures for Key Financial Matters

The Board and Management take responsibility in ensuring LCSS has an effective system of internal controls to safeguard LCSS stakeholders’ interests and LCSS’s assets.

The Finance and Administrative departments ensure that all operations comply with the policies and procedures set out in the Internal Financial Policies and Procedures Manual. The key areas of the documented procedures for financial matters of LCSS are:

  • Procurement procedures and controls
  • Receipts, payment procedures and controls
  • Delegation of authority and limits of approval

As part of internal controls, all purchases of $3,000 and above require three quotations to be obtained before approval of purchase. In any case of waiver of this requirement, documented reasons and relevant support documents must be obtained prior to approval by the Treasurer and Chairman.

Reviews are also conducted regularly to ensure the effective functioning of LCSS internal controls and processes, ensuring any key risks are being identified at the same time.

Annual Budget
The annual budget is prepared by the Finance department with inputs from the different departments, and reviewed by the Treasurers before submission to the Board for approval before the new financial year kicks in.

Cashflow Management
Cashflow forecasts are prepared quarterly to cater to the financial needs of LCSS more realistically and gives management insights into future cash planning. Cash inflows and outflows are compared against regularly updated forecasts. Cash deficits or surpluses are closely monitored to ensure there are sufficient funds for operation needs.

Financial Performance Reviews
Monthly performance financial reviews are conducted where the Finance team discussed the Financial Statements with the CEO comparing actual financial results with analysis and explanations against the annual budget and same period the previous year.  Reasons for any major discrepancies, unusual transactions are explained before presentation to the Board for review.

Investment Policy
The Board takes a conservative approach on the investments of LCSS, including low-risk strategies that generate returns while preserving reserves and capital. The Board, along with the Finance and Investment sub-committee, determines the investment limit and approves investments in financial instruments such as fixed deposits, unit trusts, bonds and equities according to the terms and parameters laid out in LCSS Investment Policy.

Fundraising Practices & Activities

Fundraising Practices
LCSS has established guidelines on fundraising. These guidelines are based on the best practices set out by the National Council of Social Services and the Charity Council. We do not disclose donors’ identities or share information on donors without their prior permission. LCSS does not engage in any third-party fundraisers.

The funds raised go towards helping our beneficiaries through our core programmes which focus on intervention work and holistic development in alignment with our vision and mission. All donations received (solicited or unsolicited) are properly accounted for and promptly deposited.

Fundraising Efficiency Ratio
At LCSS, the fundraising efficiency ratio is always kept below 30%, commonly known as the 30/70 rule.

Fundraising Activities
LCSS organizes “Golf for Life” as its primary fundraising event annually. In December 2023, LCSS hosted a Christmas Carnival fundraising event – “Love Came Down at Christmas” to spread God’s love, cheer, and hope to our clients and the community.

Golf For Life 2024 (unaudited)
• Gross receipts : $275,142.82
• Total expenses : $68,813.62
Friday, 28 June 2024
Tanah Merah Country Club

Love Came Down @ Christmas
• Gross receipts : $64,762
• Total expenses : $14,520
• Saturday, 2 December 2023
• Radin Mas Community Club

Golf For Life 2023
• Gross receipts : $242,698
• Total expenses : $60,487
• Friday, 14 July 2023 (Replay on 18 August 2023)
Singapore Island Country Club

Golf For Life 2022
• Gross receipts : $246,720
• Total expenses : $50,291
• Friday, 30 September 2022
• Orchid Country Club

Golf For Life 2020 (held in 2021 due to the COVID-19 situation in Yr 2020)
• Gross receipts : $192,388
• Total expenses : $24,853
• Session 1 : Friday, 17 September 2021
• Session 2 : Friday, 24 September 2021
• Session 3 : Friday, 22 October 2021
• Orchid Country Club

Golf For Life 2019
• Gross receipts : $237,353
• Total expenses : $36,035
• Wednesday, 31 July 2019
• Warren Country Club

Golf For Life 2018
• Gross receipts : $232,100
• Total expenses : $38,653
• Thursday, 2 August 2018
• Warren Country Club

Golf For Life 2017
• Gross receipts : $258,484
• Total expenses : $38,337
• Friday, 4 August 2017
• Warren Country Club

Golf For Life 2016
• Gross receipts : $309,824
• Total expenses : $55,424
• Friday, 12 August 2016
Singapore Island Country Club

Human Resource Management

The Board approves the documented human resource policies for staff. LCSS recognises that it is vital to have trained and experienced people with the passion to achieve LCSS’ organisational goals onboard.

Appraisals were done with staff to discuss of expectations, how performance is measured and rewarded and these appraisal sessions also provides a platform in identifying and addressing gaps, if any. All reviews are conducted in an open and transparent manner, encouraging a two-way discussion and feedback.

The HR Committee reviews, monitors and makes recommendations to the Board on human resource strategies and enact new policies whenever necessary.

Disclosure & Transparency

  • No Board members receive any remuneration for their board services.
  • No staff is involved in setting his or her own remuneration.
  • No paid staff are close members of the family of the CEO or Board members, who have received remuneration exceeding S$50,000 during the financial
  • LCSS does not make any loans to any employees, management, board members, related parties and third parties.
  • LCSS does not make any nor provide any sponsorship to any charities.


Key Management

Key Management Responsibility

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO), appointed by the Board, heads the organisation with the support of a Senior Management Team comprising of three deputy directors and a management team comprising of managers in charge of their respective programmes/corporate support areas. The Senior Management Team look ahead and make strategic plans whereas the managers oversee the day-to-day management and operations of LCSS.

Key Management Selection, Assessment and Remuneration

The CEO of LCSS is selected and assessed by the Board based on the Board’s expectations on the candidate’s qualifications and experience.

The Board:
• Appoints the CEO
• Determines terms and reference of the appointment
• Endorses the remuneration and benefits package offered to the CEO

Periodic reviews are conducted by the Board with the CEO. During the annual performance appraisal, the CEO is appraised on her work performance by the Chairman, in consultation with other Board members.

The CEO does not serve as a Board member to ensure independence of the Board and in consideration of conflict of interests implications.  According to LCSS Constitution, she does not hold a voting right in any proceedings of LCSS.

Media Communications Policy

In line with principles of good governance, LCSS ensures that all feedback, complaints, and grievances from the public, donors, volunteers, and clients are promptly addressed by the CEO. The CEO responds within 24 hours or consults the Board for complex matters.

LCSS commits to deciding on the appropriate action and communicating it in writing to the complainant within one week of receiving the complaint. Additionally, LCSS maintains a detailed log of all feedback, complaints, and grievances, including the date received, nature of the complaint, and follow-up actions taken.

Personal Data Protection Act Policy

LCSS is committed to comply with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 to safeguard against any misuse of data and to ensure data privacy for all our stakeholders – sponsors, donors, partners, volunteers, staff and beneficiaries. Data is used only for the purposes disclosed unless otherwise permitted under the law.

LCSS respects our stakeholders of their rights to be treated courteously and fairly in terms of data protection. Personal information given in good faith to LCSS is used to maintain or engage relationships between the stakeholders and LCSS only. It is deemed that stakeholders have given consent to LCSS for use of their personal information for donation-related and communication purposes unless they choose to state otherwise by informing us via our email:

You may find our PDPA policy here : LCSS PDPA Policy

Programme Management

The Board reviews strategic plans and outcomes of LCSS in measuring the effectiveness and efficiency of its programmes. Programme outcomes are always monitored to be in line with LCSS’ vision, mission and objectives.

The Programme Teams regularly update the Board on its respective programmes and services through LCSS board meetings / Programmes and Services Committee. All new significant initiatives or changes to our programmes and services are recommended to the Board before implementation.

Reserves & Restricted Fund Policies

Reserves Policy
LCSS has reserves for sustainability purposes of its operations. The Reserves Policy of LCSS is to retain not more than three years of its annual operating expenditure to meet its operational needs. The policy was put into effect and ensures compliance with “The Code of Governance for Charities and IPCs”.

The Finance & Investment Committee regularly review the amount of reserves that are required to ensure that they are adequate to fulfill LCSS’s continuing obligations.

LCSS Reserves position:

Reserves Ratio
LCSS has a reserves ratio of 1.6 for FY23/24.

Restricted Funds Policy
LCSS uses restricted funds according to the respective donors and funders’ intend for our programmes. Should an excess from the funding result, LCSS communicates with the respective donors and funders on planned usage of the unutilized balance in future periods, if permissible.

Risk Management

The Board oversees the risk management of LCSS, particularly the Audit Committee. The Board has established policies and guidelines for financial limits, internal control systems and processes, corporate procedures and work plans to achieve LCSS’s strategic objectives. The Board and the CEO review the policies, guidelines, plans, internal control systems and processes to identify potential risks, determine level of risk tolerance, and develop action plans for key risks to be addressed and reviewed on an ongoing basis. Areas of review include financial, governance, strategic issues, work plans, policies, operational, public communications, human resource, data and information technology risks. The CEO, staff, even volunteers are responsible for carrying out daily operations in accordance with the risk management policies, guidelines and strategies to foster a risk-aware culture in LCSS.

Business Continuity Plan 

LCSS has Business Continuity Plans (BCP) in place to safeguard the interests of our beneficiaries and stakeholders. These BCP plans help mitigate losses and ensure the ongoing of our operations in providing the essential services, programmes and corporate practices when disasters or unforeseen situations strike LCSS.

All staff are informed of these plans and individuals involved in the delivery of services are fully aware of their roles and responsibilities in ensuring business continuity in case of any disruptions in our service.

Strategic Management
LCSS employs a strategic house diagram to illustrate its core strategic objectives. Emphasizing three key pillars— (i) Children empowered to thrive (ii) A leading agency in child mentoring (iii) Sustainable partnerships, the diagram outlines specific goals aimed at advancing these pillars. Guided by principles of being spirit-led, fostering strong and meaningful relationships, and maintaining a focus on child-centric, family-centric, and community-grounded approaches, LCSS strategically aligns its operations to realize its overarching vision: ‘Every child, the best they can be.'”

The strategic house diagram guides LCSS’s direction and priorities, ensuring relevance to changing environments and needs. It also aligns LCSS with sector trends as the organization aims to be a forward-looking social service agency.


Volunteer Management

At LCSS, volunteers are valued partners who passionately dedicate their time and skills to fulfill our mission of empowering children & families through care and mentoring, and together build a caring community.

We have established a comprehensive volunteer management policy and procedures to guide our operational processes. Our volunteer management framework encompasses key areas such as Recruitment, Screening, Training, Onboarding & Matching, Recognition and Feedback, Relationship Management, and Closure of Relationship.

Our volunteers consist of dedicated individuals and corporate/institutional partners who support our beneficiaries through service-based or skill-based volunteering. Each volunteer role is accompanied by a position description, outlining role requirements, commitments, and expectations. We actively seek feedback from our volunteers through surveys, feedback forms, and exit interviews to continuously improve our programs.

Our LCSS Volunteer Handbook can be found in this link: LCSS Volunteer Handbook


Whistle-Blowing Policy

Purpose and Scope

Life Community Services Society (LCSS) is committed to a high standard of transparency, integrity, compliance and accountability.  The whistle-blowing policy aims to provide a means through which employees or other stakeholders could, in good faith, report any activity that infringes on the organisation’s code of conduct or violates the law so that the organisation may take the relevant action.

This policy applies to all employees and clients, as well as to external stakeholders of LCSS, such as volunteers, donors, and the general public.


LCSS’s whistle-blowing policy provides an avenue for anyone to report in confidence and without fear of retaliation or unfair treatment, any concerns about suspected misconduct or wrongdoing including, but not limited to:

  • Unethical and improper practices or alleged misconduct in matters of financial reporting, internal controls or other related matters.
  • Impropriety, corruption and bribery, acts of fraud or suspected fraud, theft and misuse of LCSS’ assets or resources.
  • Supplying false or misleading information or withholding material information to the Board or relevant reporting authorities.
  • Intimidation, discrimination or harassment of employees and external parties during the course of work.
  • Breach of the organisation’s policies or regulations.
  • Unlawful activities

Whistle-blowers’ Protection and Confidentiality

The identity of the whistle-blower shall be treated with the strictest confidence. Nonetheless, the whistle-blower must be prepared to make his/her identity known to the receiver of the complaint/concern.

Every effort will be made to ensure all communications under this policy be treated in a confidential manner, except to the extent when:

  • LCSS is under a legal obligation to disclose the information provided
  • There is a need in order to conduct a complete and fair investigation
  • The whistle-blower waives the right to confidentiality


If employees have cause to suspect serious concerns to report improper, unethical and inappropriate behaviour, employees could raise such improprieties to their immediate supervisor or the next level of management if the immediate supervisor is involved.

In any case if employee is reluctant to do so, such concerns of suspected violation or misconduct, can be reported directly to the Audit Sub-Committee via email to:

Concerns from external stakeholders can be raised by writing to this same email:

As far as possible, the following information, sufficient for LCSS to do a proper investigation, is to be given:

  • Date, time, place and nature of the wrongdoing
  • Identity of the parties involved
  • Details and/or copies of any relevant documents supporting the report
  • Any other relevant information

Investigation and Outcome Report

LCSS or the Audit Sub-Committee, if deemed fit, will assess the concern raised. If there is a prima facie case, a thorough investigation will be conducted. LCSS will then appoint an investigator or an investigation team, where appropriate, depending on the nature, extent, timeline and complexity of the case. However, there may be circumstances where there is insufficient evidence to proceed, especially in the case of anonymous reporting.

All whistle-blowing reports shall be investigated as soon as possible and should be resolved and outcome of investigations and recommended course of action, if any, be reported to the Board within three months of receiving the complaint.

Where appropriate, the complainant may be notified of the outcome.

Monitoring of the Whistle-blowing process

The Audit Sub-Committee regularly review the whistle-blowing policy and procedure.